Sabtu, 10 Januari 2009


bali ducks

The Bali duck is an ancient breed of considerable significance. Ducks of upright carriage have been found carved in the stone of the temples of Asia dating back some two thousand years. Many waterfowl authorities believe the Bali duck to be the originator of the Indian Runner.
The erect 80 degree carriage of the Bali is accentuated by a long body that is somewhat heavier than itís Indian Runner cousin, and resting snugly on the back of the head of an ideal Balinese is a golf ball sized crest. Most Bali that are reared outside of Indonesia are white, although brown is the common colour in their homeland.
While Bali ducks are good egg layers producing a blue/green to white egg, they are still rare outside of their homeland. They have not yet been selectively bred for egg production unlike their Indian Runner cousins, however the Bali duck is a beautiful and fascinating breed.
A crested vertically built duck visually a crested Indian Runner available in many colours with few standardised colours ** The Bali has shoulders the Runner does not**
Country Of Origin;......... Bali, Mentioned in all the 1870's books
Carriage;. .erect 80 degree carriage
Purpose;..........Eggs../ exhibition
Eggs.............100 / ..large
Breed Defects. .. . . .dished bill needs to be straight as in Runners
Breed Hints..... . Kept as trio or pair .. will go broody and hatch
Weights;5 to 6 pounds
Flying .. . .can fly if startled This breed like all crested is difficult to breed with a higher than average proportion of dead in shell ducklings

The Lethal Crested Gene
This gene is a dominant gene with a lethal variant. If C=crested and p=plain non-crested, it works like this:
Crested Drake =C p (this means that a crested drake in a pen can turn any breed crested)
Crested Duck = C CC Cp
their offspring will be:- pp is a non-crested duckling,....Cp is a crested duckling,..CC (theoretically crested) dies in the shell due to skull deformities.

Genetic profile White/ Gene :Recessive white / symbol c / Recessive.
This gene is responsible for the white in common white breeds. In the homozygous state, recessive white masks all other color genes . Ie if a white male is used he will pass on his colour over that of the ducks

Genetic prof'ile Mallard Colour / Gene ; Mallard/ symbol M+
Dominant to dusky (md) but recessive to restricted (mallard), MR
Dominant to dusky (md) but recessive to restricted (mallard), MR. Allows expression of wild-type plumage coloration. Breed examples are Rouen and Brown (grey) Call basically all with mallard colouration as in the Bali

Gene : Crest symbol Cr / Incompletely dominant
Incompletely dominant and lethal in homozygous state.

Eggshell colour/ symbol G+/ The buff-green color of the wild mallard type eggshell. The genes responsible for the blue/green and white eggshell colours have not been investigated as yet


R.Sturmey / Wiltshire./ 01985 850447,/

Miss L. Ewan,,/ Lancashire / 07951 735 599

Sandra Farrar,/ Shropshire/ 01588 650 390

Richard Sadler,/ Cheshire/ 07816 622 868

HICKS WATERFOWL WORLD / OSWESTRY / Tel 01691 655 635 weekends
Tel 07818 036 118 weekdays or

Please note that photographs and text on this site belong to the Domestic Waterfowl Club of Great Britain. They should not be reprinted (commercially especially on ebay) without prior permission but are freeely available for educational purposes and can be printed up for classroom use; we do not have printed fact sheets/booklets for sale etc but can occasionally email uncompressed digital images.

Senin, 05 Januari 2009

duck meat

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