Selasa, 14 April 2009

Lending Model Information System for Small-Scale Enterprises



The process of producing salted eggs practiced in this study of financing pattern was that of wrapping with the mixture of salt and clay. The flow diagram of the process is the following:

Figure 4.1. Flow Diagram Of Salted Egg Making Process

The production process by wrapping eggs with a dough/mixture used in salted egg industry is the following:

a. Selection of Duck Eggs

The selection of ducks eggs is done when they are bought from duck breeders, where duck eggs of bad quality will be rejected. The selection of eggs in the location of the industry is done while the eggs is about to be mixed with the dough. There is hardly any failure in this process, in which among 1000 eggs, there will only be one egg having a defect (one per mil).

The process of selecting duck eggs before mixing it with the dough consist of two tests: checking the strength of the egg shell (by hitting two eggs with each other) and checking the condition of the shell (observed visually in case there is a crack) (Photo 4.1).

Photo. 4.1.Process of Selecting Duck Eggs

b. Dough Making

The dough used in the process of wrapping duck egg is a mixture betweensalt, clay, or ground red brick. Salt is the main supporting materialas it creates the salty taste and function as a preserving material. Italso minimizes oxygen loss (oxygen is needed by bacteria), stopping theactivity of proteolitic enzyme (enzyme destroying protein) absorbingwater from inside the eggs. The ratio of salt and clay to make dough is1:3 (Table 4.1), which are then mixed thoroughly and form very thickporridge.
Table 4.1.
Composition Of Materials For Salting Dough/Mixture Per Month (Capacity of 150,000 eggs)

Composition Of Dough
Unit Total
1. Salt kg 1,500
2. Clay kg 4,500
Source : Primary Data

c. Ripening

The process of keeping eggs in the salting dough is a determining factor for the saltiness of the eggs produced (Photo 4.2). The process is produced by putting selected duck eggs into a container/bucket containing the dough. After all the surface of the eggs is covered with the dough, the eggs are packed in a wooden box already prepared for the ripening process (Photo 4.3). The best ripening is (within) ten days. However, the time needed for the ripening is adjusted to the taste preferred by consumers of the eggs, as the longer the ripening the more salt penetrates into the egg and the saltier.

Photo 4.2. Process of Applying Salting Dough On Eggs

Photo 4.3. Ripening Process

d. Washing

The washing of eggs is one to get rid of the remain of salting dough stuck on the eggs. This is done by scrubbing the shells of the eggs with a brush wetted with detergent liquid (Photo 4.4).

Photo 4.4. Process of Washing Salted Eggs

After being washed, the eggs are soaked to make them free from remains of the dough and soap stuck in the egg shells (Photo 4.5)

Photo 4.5. Process of Soaking Salted Eggs

e. Boiling

Boiling is done to make the raw salted eggs well done. This process is done in saucepans of various sizes with the capacity ranging from 500 – 1500 eggs at a time of boiling (Photo 4.6). It takes more or less 3-5 hours. After boiling, salted eggs can last 21 days for consumption.

Photo. 4.6. Process of Boiling Salted Eggs

f. Straining And Stamping

After being boiled, salted eggs are taken out of the saucepan and then strained. The process is done on a place on which the eggs are let to dry land cool. The next is stamping of the brand and production code.

Photo 4.7. Straining of Salted Eggs

Photo 4.8. Stamping of The Brand And Production Code

g. Storage

The last stage of the production process is packing the stamped eggs in various forms of packaging such as plastic (Photo 4.9). Before being transported, the eggs are packed and kept in wooden boxes (Photo 4.10).

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